To The Dog Custodians Out There:
Personally, I'd like to see how you feel about sitting in the same car with your dog, with the windows opened a crack when it's 90 outside, with no shade or wind?
To be honest, "cracked" open windows and thoughtless statements like "They'll be fine" are mindless thoughts from ignorant dog custodians. Period. Did you know that rolling down the windows a bit HAS ZERO EFFECT on the environment inside the car?
Did you know that your dog can suffer heat stroke or brain damage and can even die from a mere 15 minutes of roasting in a car? But it's "OK?" I love the famous line, I will only be gone a couple of minutes. Have you ever timed yourself and your store visits?
When the temperature is:
- 78-degrees outside, it can get up to 100-120 degrees in the car.
- On a 90-degree day, it can get up to 160 degrees in about 10 minutes.
And that's what you leave your dogs in?
The fix to this is to leave your pups at home. They can't expel heat like we can, so the effects of heat builds up faster in them. That's because they're primary cooling process is panting. But when they pant hot breath back out into the hot car you just left them in seems like more of a punishment or cruel trap.
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To the Dog Humanitarians out there:
First, I never want to hear that "I had ice cream in the car, so I could not stay." posted to FB if someone sees an animal in distress. OMG, so an innocent life may cease and suffer horrendously before it dies, because you did not want your ice cream to melt!? Sometimes events take precedence over moments.